Thursday, October 23, 2008

Vriksha asana

Posture: Vriksha-asana - The Tree Pose
Translation: The Sanskrit word vriksha means tree, thus this is the Tree Posture.
 Pronunciation: vrik-shah-sa-na
 Difficulty: (3-4)
   The Tree Pose (Vriksha-asana) Instruction:
1Stand with the feet together and the arms by your sides (see the tad-asana).
2Bend the right leg at the knee, raise the right thigh and bring the sole of the right foot as high up the inside of the left thigh as possible.
3Balancing on the left foot, raise both arms over the head keeping the elbows unbent and joining the palms together. Hold the posture while breathing gently through the nostrils for about 10 complete breaths.
4Lower the arms and right leg and return to the tad-asana, standing position with feet together and arms at the sides. Pause for a few moments and repeat on the opposite leg.

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