Thursday, October 23, 2008

Parivritta parshvakona asana

Posture: Parivritta-parshvakona-asana
The Turned Side-Angle Pose
Translation: The Sanskrit word parivritta means revolved, turned round or back, parsva means side and kona means angle.
 Pronunciation: par-ee-vrit-ah parsh-va-cone-ah-sa-na
 Difficulty: (6)

   The Turned Side-Angle Pose Instruction:

1Stand with the feet together and the arms by your sides (see the tad-asana).
2Inhale and spread your legs apart slightly further than shoulder distance (about 3-4 feet).
3Stretch your arms straight out from the shoulders parallel to the floor with your palms facing down.
4Exhale slowly and turn your right foot toward the right 90 degrees. Bend your right knee about 90 degrees.
5Place the palm of your left hand flat on the floor next to the outside of your right foot. Rest the right elbow on the outside of the right knee.
6Stretch the right arm over your head, parallel with the floor, with the inside of the elbow resting on the ear. Hold for abot 30-60 seconds while breathing gently through the nostrils.
7Slowly return to a standing position and repeat on the other side reversing directions 2-6.

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